A Creative Journey in Teaching Children


This past summer, I had the incredible opportunity to work as a teacher at the Obermayr Europe School in Wiesbaden, Germany. My focus was on enlightening young minds, specifically children aged 8 to 12, about the fascinating world of geometry and its profound impact on understanding the world around us. Through a blend of creativity, art, and scientific exploration, we embarked on a journey that not only simplified complex mathematical concepts but also delved into the realms of science, patterns, and the ancient wisdom of the five elements.

School sacred geometry workshops

Exploring Geometry in a Creative Format

The heart of the program was centred on the geometric perception of the world. By engaging children in drawing geometric designs and exploring 3D shapes, we aimed to make mathematics more accessible and enjoyable. The creative format not only captivated their attention but also provided a unique avenue to understand abstract concepts.

Connecting Science to Art

Our curriculum went beyond the confines of traditional maths classes. We delved into scientific subjects, ranging from the patterns of planets to the fractal structures found in plants and nature. This interdisciplinary approach fostered a holistic understanding of the world, showing the interconnectedness of various disciplines.

Project Week: Unveiling the Secrets of the Five Elements

The pinnacle of our program was the Project Week, where we delved into the ancient wisdom of the five elements – fire, water, earth, air, and aether. Through artistic endeavours, the children learned to draw these elements in 2D on the Flower of Life tapestry. Additionally, they explored building these elements in 3D, intertwining them and understanding how shapes fit together. (Do it at home with our 5 Elements course).

Linking Geometry to History and Chemistry

The exploration didn’t stop at art and ancient wisdom; we also connected geometry to historical phenomena and the periodic table. The children discovered the historical significance of the five elements and how they relate to the atomic structure, diving into concepts that usually belong to more advanced levels of education.

The Culmination: Fair and Presentations

The program concluded with a fair and presentations where the children showcased what they had learned during the week. They eloquently explained the nature of the five elements, offering a fresh perspective that challenged the ancient interpretations. The presentations were a testament to the power of creative education and the profound impact geometry can have on shaping young minds.

Looking Ahead

As we wrapped up the program, a sense of accomplishment and excitement lingered in the air. The success of this workshop has inspired us to envision a future where such workshops are conducted worldwide. By introducing children to geometric designs and art, we aim to elevate their consciousness at a young age, propelling them towards university-level knowledge in an engaging and enjoyable manner.

Does this resonate with you? Become the next generation of Sacred Geometry Teacher and join our next TTC!


This summer’s experience at the Obermayr Europe School in Wiesbaden, Germany, reinforced the belief that geometry is not just a branch of mathematics but a powerful educational tool. By blending creativity, art, and scientific exploration, we can simplify complex concepts and make learning a fun and rewarding experience for children. As we look towards the future, we hope to continue these workshops, unlocking the wonders of geometry and shaping the minds of the next generation.

Linking Geometry to History and Chemistry

The exploration didn’t stop at art and ancient wisdom; we also connected geometry to historical phenomena and the periodic table. The children discovered the historical significance of the five elements and how they relate to the atomic structure, diving into concepts that usually belong to more advanced levels of education.

The Culmination: Fair and Presentations

The program concluded with a fair and presentations where the children showcased what they had learned during the week. They eloquently explained the nature of the five elements, offering a fresh perspective that challenged the ancient interpretations. The presentations were a testament to the power of creative education and the profound impact geometry can have on shaping young minds.

Looking Ahead

As we wrapped up the program, a sense of accomplishment and excitement lingered in the air. The success of this workshop has inspired us to envision a future where such workshops are conducted worldwide. By introducing children to geometric designs and art, we aim to elevate their consciousness at a young age, propelling them towards university-level knowledge in an engaging and enjoyable manner.

Does this resonate with you? Become the next generation of Sacred Geometry Teacher and join our next TTC!


This summer’s experience at the Obermayr Europe School in Wiesbaden, Germany, reinforced the belief that geometry is not just a branch of mathematics but a powerful educational tool. By blending creativity, art, and scientific exploration, we can simplify complex concepts and make learning a fun and rewarding experience for children. As we look towards the future, we hope to continue these workshops, unlocking the wonders of geometry and shaping the minds of the next generation.

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