Free 4D Yoga webinar

What is the 4D Torus? Summary of our 4D Yoga Webinar & meditation event.


We had a great 1-h webinar about the topic we call 4D Yoga, which centres around the torus. We have done a quick summary for you, with the full webinar at the end of this post.

4D Torus

At the core of our teaching is a particular geometry, which is the 4D Torus. In this 1h-webinar recording we explain some of the most fundamental concepts of the Torus by answering the 5 W’s: What, When, Why, How and Who.

What is the Torus?

While the dot is 0D, the line is 1D, the sphere is 3D, the Torus is a 4D form. As 4D is time, this is conceptualised by the form moving in space, whereby the inside becomes the outside in an infinite loop.

When does the Torus appear?

The Torus begins at the very start of the creation story. In science, it depicts the Big Bang, which expanded the Universe from an infinitely dense dot. In religion, the story of water is often mentioned, which similarly expands into circular waves from a dot.

Why does the Torus exist?

In our reality, we find the Torus as the electromagnetic fields wrapped around every scale. It is represented in the electron cloud of the atom, bio-photonic light in cells, the electromagnetic field of the Earth, the Oort cloud of the solar system, and the spiralling formation of the galaxy. This creates 5 scales of reality, the atomic, cellular, earthly, Solar and Galactic, which matches our particular model of the Platonic Solids. In this way, the Torus acts as a boundary between these different scales.

How does the Torus work?

As a notion of time, the Torus functions as the geometric process by which energy of the background (vacuum) flows through the whole Universe to enable moments of time. Known by many names, such as Zero-Point Energy, we call 4D Aether, it reveals how everything seems to be connected and flows through this 4D field.

Who created the Torus?

The idea of a creator is core to many religions. And while all point into the direction of geometry, the best way to answer this question is by understanding ourselves. As the Torus also depicts the aura around and within us according to Vedic and Hermetic teachings, the more we connect to it, the more these concept will reveal themselves to us in an internal experience. This is what we call 4D Yoga, the union with the divine via 4th dimensional practises.

Watch the full webinar here:

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