Mayan Culture and time at Chichen Itza, video.

Chichen Itza is a major Mayan city in the Yucatán Peninsula, with disputed dating ranging from 600 to 1,200 AD or possibly 700 BC to 300 BC. Spanish conquests took control of the region in the 1500s. Excavation and reconstruction of the site began in the early 1900s. The main pyramid is dedicated to the god Kukulkan, known for bringing mathematical and astronomical knowledge to the Mayans. The site exhibits acoustic resonance and mathematical significance, with the numbers 7 and 13 being important. Chichen Itza’s layout is said to correlate with the belt of Orion and other pyramids around the world.


The concept of time has forever fascinated humanity, with its ever-ticking clock serving as a reminder of our mortality and the passing of moments. Throughout history, various cultures have assigned symbolic meanings to numbers, finding hidden connections between numerical patterns and the natural world. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing significance of two numbers – seven and thirteen – and their links to the fundamental aspects of time.

Finding Meaning in Numbers:

Numbers have a profound influence on our daily lives, and when it comes to time, it is no different. The number seven holds great importance, representing the seven days of the week and seven colours of light. Moreover, it is deeply intertwined with the concept of life itself, evoking the intricate structure of the seed of life.

The number thirteen, on the other hand, is closely associated with lunar cycles and the celestial bodies. It finds resonance in the 13 joints present in our shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and neck. Furthermore, it corresponds to the Moon’s influence over us, as evident in its numerical value when combined with seven.

The Maya Calendar:

The Mayans, renowned for their achievements in mathematics, astronomy, astrology, and geometry, left behind a legacy that sheds light on the interplay between time and numbers. More than 300 years before Christ, they discovered a remarkable calendrical system that marries intricate mathematical patterns with temporal cycles.

The Spiralling Symbolism:

Spirals, a recurring motif in nature, hold tremendous significance within the Maya culture. These symbols, resembling the initial spark of life, appear in various forms, from fingerprint patterns to the curling shape of a serpent shedding its skin every 13 months. These spirals, akin to the grandeur of ancient temples, embody the essence of life and eternity.

The Complexity of Maya Mathematics:

The Maya mathematical prowess extended far beyond their calendrical system and symbolic representations. The intricate architecture of their calendars, with varying layers and panels, serves as a testament to their advanced understanding of mathematics.

For instance, the Maya’s complex calendar comprised 364 steps, symbolizing the solar cycle, supplemented by an additional step representing a month of five days. This combination of 364 plus one correlates with their belief in an 18-month lunar cycle. Moreover, the architecture boasted multi-layered structures, with the final layer featuring 26 steps on the right side and 26 on the left side, summing up to an intricately calculated 52.


The Maya civilization’s deep understanding of time, mathematics, and symbolism continues to captivate us. Their recognition of the profound connections between numbers and the natural world is a testament to their intellectual prowess and legacy. As we ponder upon the main symbol of time, the mystery of the undefined unravels, revealing the intricate tapestry that links numbers, time, and the very essence of existence.

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